modnet.featurizers.presets.debreuck_2020 module

This submodule contains the DeBreuck2020Featurizer class.

class modnet.featurizers.presets.debreuck_2020.DeBreuck2020Featurizer(fast_oxid=False)

Bases: MODFeaturizer

Featurizer presets used for the paper

Materials property prediction for limited datasets enabled by feature selection and joint learning with MODNet, Pierre-Paul De Breuck, Geoffroy Hautier & Gian-Marco Rignanese npj Comp. Mat. 7(1) 1-8 (2021) 10.1038/s41524-021-00552-2

Uses most of the featurizers implemented by matminer at the time of writing with their default hyperparameters and presets.

Creates the featurizer and imports all featurizer functions.


fast_oxid (bool) – Whether to use the accelerated oxidation state parameters within pymatgen when constructing features that constrain oxidation states such that all sites with the same species in a structure will have the same oxidation state (recommended if featurizing any structure with large unit cells).

package_version_requirements = {'matminer': '==0.6.2'}

Applies the preset composition featurizers to the input dataframe, renames some fields and cleans the output dataframe.


Applies the preset structural featurizers to the input dataframe, renames some fields and cleans the output dataframe.


Applies the preset site featurizers to the input dataframe, renames some fields and cleans the output dataframe.

class modnet.featurizers.presets.debreuck_2020.CompositionOnlyFeaturizer

Bases: DeBreuck2020Featurizer

This subclass simply disables structure and site-level features from the main DeBreuck2020Featurizer class.

Materials property prediction for limited datasets enabled by feature selection and joint learning with MODNet Pierre-Paul De Breuck, Geoffroy Hautier & Gian-Marco Rignanese npj Comp. Mat. 7(1) 1-8 (2021) 10.1038/s41524-021-00552-2

Uses most of the featurizers implemented by matminer at the time of writing with their default hyperparameters and presets.

Creates the featurizer and imports all featurizer functions.


fast_oxid – Whether to use the accelerated oxidation state parameters within pymatgen when constructing features that constrain oxidation states such that all sites with the same species in a structure will have the same oxidation state (recommended if featurizing any structure with large unit cells).